Lost The Plot : Exhumourous Adventures in Gravedigging - GGJ21

This GGJ 2021 entry (themed 'Lost and Found') is written in and for the Marv300 fantasy console (under development, not released yet).

NOTE: If you're just seeing a black square - click in it - it needs focus to run.

NOTE: Webassembly will likely be very slow on mobiles.

GGJ Page: https://globalgamejam.org/2021/games/lost-plot-exhumourous-adventures-gravediggi...


At its heart it's a memory game. 2/3rds of the info you need is displayed on the closed grave, but to get to the final 1/3rd of the info you destroy 1/3rd of what you had on screen... which means to get clarity you need to remember...

And as the graveyard grows that's no easy feat.

The level and difficulty curve is not balanced, as it often the way in very short game jams.


The main reason to create this project was to test out how usable and useful the dev environment for my upcoming Marv300 fantasy console (simulating early 90s-ish era console 'hardware') is. It's definitely helped me find some shortcomings and confusions I'll need to address before going public with Marv300!


As per the GGJ regulations the source must be published. It's here - https://github.com/TheMightyGit/losttheplot-ggj21

But you'd need the Marv300 runtime to be able to use it, which is as yet unreleased.


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Fun game, I couldn't figure out how to tell their heights, but I played to level 7 and enjoyed the style

This is so good!